
September 2018

Welcome to September, Empresses!

For those of you in the Northern Hemisphere, this month brings the transition from summer into fall, and for those of you in the Southern Hemisphere, September brings a different transformation, moving you from winter to spring. Regardless of where you live in the world, for all of us, September emphasizes all things Virgo!

With the Sun in Virgo until September 22nd, we can expect organization, health routines, and discipline to find their way front and center in our lives. And doesn’t this make sense with back-to-school season in full swing and the lazy days of the Sun in Leo behind us? Now’s the time to prioritize focused action.

Thank goodness. With Mercury and Mars now direct and Saturn also about to station direct on September 6th, September offers exceptionally productive potential.

Virgo, a sign I affectionately refer to as the protector of purity, represents the refinement of details. Virgo stems from the same root word as “virgin,” meaning “unto self.” Virgo also represents work, duty, and the ability to tend to the nitty-gritty details of life. So with the Sun in this sign until the equinox, give yourself the space and time to focus on your highest leveraged priorities.

To support this, take advantage of this month’s aspects!

On Friday, September 7th, Mercury trines both Saturn in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus, creating what astrologers refer to as a grand trine in the element of earth. This auspicious connection supports productivity to the max. Meaning, the latter half of the first full week of the month offers a tremendous opportunity to get out of the gates with opportune speed and agility.

Even with Venus making an awkward angle to Mars on the 7th, you’ll likely be able to rise to the occasion and move forward with your big plans regardless.

Thankfully, the New Moon in Virgo, which occurs on September 9th at 17 degrees of Virgo, also brings with it positive news. With the earth grand trine still in effect, Jupiter in a luscious position to Neptune, and Pluto in a trine with the Sun and Moon, it’s safe to say this New Moon offers fertile potential.

I know the last couple of months have felt hard, so with that said, now’s the time to digest what you learned and forge a new direction. Take the lessons learned and decide where you will head from here.

Of all the New Moons in 2018, this New Moon in Virgo (one of my absolute favorites) offers strong potential.

However, I don’t want to confuse you regarding the best way to work with lunar energy.

New Moons, while a powerful time to set intentions for desires you wish to see come to fruition, offer a potent moment to take a step back from work and relax. Given that this New Moon corresponds with Rosh Hashanah, it’s especially not a time to work (even more so if you celebrate the holiday). So instead of feeling like you don’t want to waste the opportunity that the Moon offers, set yourself up for success in advance.

To do so, spend time journaling on Saturday, asking yourself what your intentions for this New Moon are. Then, at the exact moment of the New Moon (at 2:01 pm ET), rewrite your intentions. Try to write your intentions as close to that time as possible. Then let go.

Come Monday, get clear on what action you need to take to make your dreams a reality.

I especially like Oprah’s take on luck, in response to a question about how to find the balance between making things happen and letting things happen, and I think this advice proves especially fruitful at the time of this New Moon.

You can watch the video here.

“How do you find the balance between making things happen and letting things happen?…You do all that you can do. You do the work; you prepare, you get ready for the opportunity to step in. Because that’s what luck is: preparation meeting the moment of opportunity. And then you let it go. You do the work. You do whatever is necessary to be prepared for whatever it is you’re trying to acquire, or attain, or accomplish, and then you let it go. You release it. You release all attachment to the outcome because you know you have done everything that you possibly can do. And when you’ve done everything you can do, that’s the moment of surrender, release. And then, if it’s supposed to be yours, it will come to you.” —Oprah Winfrey

So good, right?! Thus this New Moon allows for preparation to meet opportunity, so you can find the balance between making things happen vs. letting things happen. If you aren’t “prepared” or you can still do more to invite your dream in, focus precisely on that this lunar cycle. Get ready for the opportunity. And then once you feel you’ve done everything possible to make your dream a reality, you release it!

Thankfully, September 11th offers more luscious auspicious support. The Sun in Virgo makes a sextile to Jupiter while also trining Pluto. This is a great day to go after your dream with gusto. Need to make a pitch? Do it now.

On the 12th, the auspiciousness continues. Jupiter sextiles Pluto while Venus sextiles Saturn. These rare and fabulous aspects amplify the ability to manifest money. So go after it.

On the 13th, Mercury opposes Neptune, meaning details may feel blurry, and that’s okay. Instead of looking for precision, allow yourself to dream and dream big.

When it comes to parenting, tune in to the potential of dreaming with your children. Ask them about their dreams. Support them in using their imagination. Engage them with creative projects. This is a potent moment of the month to connect with your kiddos.

On Saturday, September 15th, Mercury trines Pluto, while sextiling Pluto. This auspicious combination makes for a robust and abundant weekend, not only for work but with your family, too.

With the seasons changing and your children growing, turn your attention to them. Witness their successes and help them see where they can grow into their strengths. Plan special events with them and make the time you do have with them important. Communication has extra support from the cosmos now. So if you have anything challenging to speak to your family about, do so now.

Otherwise, capitalize on this energy for your business. Set aside an hour or two to write copy, pitch articles to press you to want to be featured in, or schedule those sales calls!

Tuesday the 18th brings some challenge. With Mars squaring Uranus, this isn’t the time to rush or for confrontation. Instead go slowly, take your time, and stay patient. If you honor Yom Kippur, these aspects will support you in going deep with self-reflection today.

On Friday, September 21st, Mercury enters into Libra, shifting the focus away from Virgo. Then on the 22nd, the Sun joins Mercury in the sign of scales. At the same time, we have the equinox. This moment officially commences Q4. From a spiritual perspective, night and day come into perfect harmony, inviting our inner essence to find balance, too. With the season of harvest now upon us (or the season of rebirth for those in the Southern Hemisphere), it’s time to adjust how you are working.

Consider this: what has come to fruition in your life? What can you let go of to make more space for your dreams and desires to come to fruition? Honor the entrance into this fresh new season with a ritual of your own. What are the ways you wish to honor this transition with your family and children? What are you harvesting? How can you offer thanks?

On the 23rd, Mercury squares Saturn while trining Mars. This day asks you to put your focus on work. I know it’s a Sunday, but giving yourself some time alone to focus on getting a few things done might leave you feeling delighted. Especially with the Moon waxing full.

On the 24th, the Full Moon in Aries occurs at 10:52pm at 1 degree of Aries. With the ruler of this Full Moon, Mars, in a perfect sextile to the Moon and trine to the Sun, we can expect this Full Moon to feel locomotive. Especially with Saturn trining Uranus and Jupiter and Neptune in a harmonious angle, too. On the challenging end of things, however, Saturn squares the Sun and Moon, emphasizing the elimination of all that doesn’t belong or align. Saturn’s square to the Sun will perfect on the 25th, so please be extra careful as this might feel strenuous. The 25th may ask you and your kids to take it extra slow, and possibly even making it a day of rest. (I know it’s a Tuesday, but hey!)

A Full Moon in Aries calls for action; however, with Saturn in its problematic position, proceed with caution. Ask yourself tough questions and let go of that which no longer serves you.

To take this Full Moon one step further, consider thinking back to the New Moon in Aries that occurred on March 28, 2017. If you can remember that far back, what actions or choices did you make then that you see coming to fruition now? Something is emerging, so spend time honoring the decisions made then that bear fruit now. It’s the season of harvest, after all! So allow yourself to ponder gratitude for all you’ve accomplished.

Come the 27th, the Sun makes a perfect trine to Mars. Yes! Full steam ahead, Empresses. Schedule your exercise, meetings, and most essential activities today, as you can get much accomplished with this stellar aspect.

The month closes out with Pluto stationing direct at 19 degrees of Capricorn. Tune in to your power, Empresses, and connect with your ability to create the life you desire consciously! Know that it’s possible to have the success and fulfillment you crave.

Once you’ve read this month’s Cosmic Weather Update, be sure to comment in the Facebook thread with any questions and aha moments you have!