With the Sun in Venus-ruled Taurus, May calls forth feminine embodiment, inviting nourishment, enjoyment, and pleasure. Early spring (from late March-April) represents a time of famine when the land is barren after the cold and harsh winter. Beltane, a Gaelic holiday that celebrates the start of the growing season, occurs on May 1st. This cross-quarter turning point in the season is when abundance begins to recover.
With the return of creativity, wealth, and fertility, May asks you to turn your attention toward your passion. After all, your passion is what led you into entrepreneurship. As we embrace a new season of abundance, collectively we’re coming out of the Fertile Void and entering into Emergence.
On May 2nd, Mercury in Aries makes a luscious good-luck trine to Jupiter, the planet of expansion. At the same time, Mercury simultaneously makes a sharp and hard angle to Pluto, meaning that astrologically it may feel like a mixed bag. With the Moon waning dark and Mercury in a problematic position, allow yourself the space to let go of anything that’s holding you back from moving forward with your goals, dreams, and desires. Give yourself lots of time to go inward. Don’t overschedule.
The New Moon in Taurus occurs on May 4th at 6:45 pm Eastern, happening at 14 degrees of Taurus. The ruler of this New Moon, Venus, travels in Aries while squaring both Saturn and Pluto. This combination of Venus in fire sign Aries, making a disharmonious angle to Saturn and Pluto, causes friction. In the same breath, Jupiter, the planet of good luck and good fortune, continues to make a harmonious aspect to Mercury in Aries, indicating good news looms. Set strong intentions for what you wish to call into your life. DO NOT COMPROMISE. Stay committed to your most pure and authentic desires.
Come May 5th, Mars, the planet of action, opposes Jupiter, which represents good luck and good fortune. This Mars/Jupiter opposition means that even though it’s just one day after the New Moon, you may feel fired up and ready to go. This intense astrological configuration could feel like rocket fuel. If so, use it to your advantage. Let your workout feel cathartic and locomotive. Move your body.
On May 6th, Mercury, the planet of communication, leaves Aries and enters into Taurus. Mercury in Taurus feels much more grounded and committed than Mercury in Aries. To that point, review your New Moon intentions and recommit to what you are calling into your life this lunar cycle. Mercury stays in grounded Taurus, favoring routine, until May 21st.
On May 7th, Venus’s square to Saturn officially perfects while it squares Pluto, too–Venus and Pluto perfect their square on May 9th, though. In English, this means that personal values will be tested. It’s time to look at what you value and ask yourself this: Am I in alignment? If not, what adjustments can I make? Pay close attention to your money this week. With the Sun in Taurus, you’ll crave the finer things in life. However, with Venus squaring Saturn and Pluto, now’s not the time to splurge.
On May 11th, the Sun trines Saturn, offering incredible support when it comes to building your dream. Take advantage. With Mother’s Day weekend here, consider what will be the most meaningful way to celebrate. How do you want to honor yourself, your effort, and your growth? Be kind to yourself. Don’t betray your desire for simplicity either.
The waxing quarter Moon perfects at 9:12pm on the 11th as well, marking the halfway point between the New and Full Moon. Use this as a moment to check in with your original Moon intentions. Are you in alignment? If not, what needs to shift? Make adjustments as needed.
Come Monday the 13th, the Sun in Taurus receives a beam of power from powerhouse Pluto, meaning you can get a lot done this day. Be assertive and determined. Much can be accomplished this day. Organize your day so that you can enter into a flow state with your work.
On May 15th, Mars leaves Gemini for Cancer, and at the same time, Venus enters Taurus. Heads up, this cosmic shift might feel exhausting! While Venus loves being in Taurus, Mars isn’t at its best in Cancer and its transition from Gemini to Cancer could feel incredibly emotional. Take time to process what’s coming up for you. If you are tired, rest!
On the 16th, Mercury trines Saturn, supporting you to take advantage of the waxing gibbous Moon and make some critical decisions. Trust yourself–you know exactly what you need to do!
On May 18th, the Full Moon in Scorpio, also known as the Flower Moon, happens at 5:11pm Eastern at 27 degrees. This bright Full Moon asks for intimacy. Venus meets up with Uranus, indicating a surprise awaits while Mercury sends a manifesting beam of positive connection to Pluto. Strong. Provocative. Unpredictable. This Full Moon beckons exploration and curiosity.
With both Saturn and Pluto retrograde, traveling incredibly close to one another in Capricorn, it’s essential to pay attention to what’s occurring politically come mid to late May. Events happening now might foreshadow more critical stories that will unfold in early 2020. Choose wisely now. Let go of what you no longer need. Take stock and notice–what’s coming to fruition?
On May 21st, the Sun and Mercury conjoin as they both exit the fixed earth sign of Taurus and enter into the mutable air sign of Gemini. Gemini season brings an emphasis on socialization. Pay attention to intuitive hunches and mental breakthroughs. Your ideas are flowing! However, stay mindful of your schedule. It’s very easy to become overbooked this time of year. Identify your priorities and stay faithful to your non-negotiables.
On May 23, Mars in Cancer makes a hard angle to Chiron in Aries. This sensitive transit might feel heavy, hard, and draining. Take as much time and space as you need today. Do not rush or push but instead honor your feelings and your needs. Take a nice walk today. You will enjoy it very much.
On the 26th, the waning quarter Moon travels through Pisces, inviting you to shed what you no longer need. With one week remaining before the New Moon in Gemini, consider what you need to release.
The month ends with Venus in Taurus making a trine to Saturn in Capricorn on the 31st. This delicious combination invites you to understand and own your power. What feels right to you? What lights you up? Do that. And no, there’s nothing wrong with leaning into the power of pleasure for stress relief.
Once you’ve read this month’s Cosmic Weather Update, be sure to comment in the Facebook thread with any questions and aha moments you have!