
July 2019

With the Sun in cardinal water, July brings an emphasis on family, fun, and doing things that truly nourish and nurture the soul. When astrologers say “cardinal” they are referring to energy that instigates new beginnings, that initiates a new season. With the solstice having happened late last month, we entered into a new quadrant of the year. And moon-ruled Cancer asks us to initiate on behalf of our most heart-centered goals.

However, the month begins on July 1st with Mars, the planet of action, leaving Cancer and entering into Leo, a sign it will stay in until August 18th. Mars isn’t at its best in Cancer, so this transit means the month kicks off on a positive note. When Mars travels in the sign of the crab, things can feel moody and overly emotional, but with it leaving this sensitive sign and entering into joyful Leo, expect to feel more enthusiastic.

Come July 2nd, we have a potent total solar eclipse. The New Moon eclipse happening on July 2nd at 3:16 pm Eastern occurs at 10 degrees of Cancer. Cancer represents home, family, the desire for safety and security, as well as traditions. This New Moon offers a fresh start when it comes to creating new traditions in your family and with your children. Given its proximity to the Fourth of July holiday, Empresses in the USA may find this New Moon kicking off peak summer festivities. Those of you in the southern hemisphere are waning into a more internal state. Regardless of where you are in the world, with Saturn on the South Node of Karma, opposing the North Node of Fate as well as the Sun and the Moon, too, we can expect this eclipse to bring things to the surface that need to be healed.

Pay close attention to the family story playing out in your life now. Everything that’s up for healing needs attention. As they say in 12-step recovery programs, “If emotions are hysterical, they are historical.” So if you are feeling intense emotions, look at the history and patterns associated with them. Now’s the time to let go of unhealthy resentment towards your mother, if you carry any. (Cancer represents our relationship with our moms.) Or, engage in a therapeutic process of feelings that are sticky and hard to untangle.

Additionally, this New Moon calls you home to your own body and your femininity. What’s standing in the way of your doing just that, coming back to yourself? This eclipse may expedite the release of anything that blocks your sovereignty in this way! Just in time for bathing suit season. Allow yourself to enjoy your freedom.

This eclipse opens a potent portal to a new 19-year trajectory. Translation: Spend time thinking about your intention for the upcoming New Moon. It’s one of the most potent New Moons of the year. (It’s an eclipse, so it brings extra strong potential.) Permit yourself to think long term. Ask yourself this: If everything goes as well as it possibly could over the next nineteen years, what will happen? Imagine your life 19 years from now. Then backtrack to today and identify your priorities. Where can you focus now to honor your future self?

At the risk of sounding cliche, July presents you with two options: evolve or repeat. Saturn on the South Node at this New Moon commands that you get the lessons from the past and fully step into the future you are most meant to create.

Then get ready because on July 7th, Mercury, the planet of communication, commences its backward spin. Yup, the second Mercury-in-retrograde period of 2019 begins. Starting in Leo, Mercury asks us to review where we’ve been and the commitments we’ve made as it travels back into Cancer. (Mercury moves from Leo to Cancer on July 19th). Now’s the time to slow down. Seriously. Given that it’s both eclipse season and Mercury in retrograde, give yourself space to decompress and under-schedule yourself when it comes to working. Mercury ends its retrograde period on the last day of this month.

On July 8th, Mercury and Mars conjoin while the Sun and Saturn oppose one another. Simultaneously, Venus also squares Chiron. Meaning, the Monday following the American holiday weekend may feel abrupt and intense. Regardless of where you are in the world, use the weekend to prepare for the week ahead. To soften this, take time on Sunday to orient yourself to your goals. If you can, create space to meditate and reflect. Get organized, even more so if you have important business goals in July. It’s essential to look at your calendar, double-check the details, and create space for decompression.

On July 9th, the Waxing Quarter Moon marks the halfway point of the two eclipses. Pay close attention to what emerges at this time. Obstacles that present themselves now are invitations to more significant growth. This is not the time to be rigid. Despite this Waxing Quarter Moon being a cardinal square– again, cardinal meaning assertive– you want to take a step back and access the observer within. Can you become the observer of your life and witness what’s emerging? What is it teaching you? What is it asking you to adjust? Mercury is retrograde, and the eclipses are clearing through old stories and patterns that no longer serve you. Stay awake and available.

With life happening at warp speed, especially for those raising children, so often we miss the opportunity to integrate where we’ve been with what we’ve been moving toward. This Waxing Quarter Moon in Libra, happening precisely at 6:54 am ET at 16 degrees, calls you towards poise and balance. It asks you to integrate what you are learning. With the Sun on the North Node opposing Saturn while squaring the Moon, I promise this Waxing Quarter Moon is one of the most critical quarter moons of the year to pay attention to. Even more so because it makes a perfect sextile to Jupiter, which represents auspicious growth, so do not skip your spiritual practice now.

This is a critical moment to indeed “Do Less.” It’s summer in the northern hemisphere, after all, and the cosmos wants you to get the lessons you’ve been learning. Go back over Kate’s beautiful book. Reread the parts that are most meaningful and important to you. Engage with the content in this membership site. Take time to digest all that you are learning and apply it to your life.

On July 11th, Mars and Uranus make a harsh angle known as a square. The energy of the day might feel abrupt but stubborn because of this. However, the good news is this: At the same time, Mars trines Chiron, indicating your healing process becomes activated, and the Sun simultaneously trines Neptune, meaning your intuition shines through. Use this opportunity to refine your communication with your team, your marketing strategy, and your message on behalf of your ideal client avatar. Step into service on behalf of your clients and audience. Show up for them. They’ll need both your real and honest truth as well as a reassuring hand.

On July 14th, Pluto opposes the Sun. This potent astrological occurrence, just days before the upcoming lunar eclipse, invites you to examine your shadow and the shadow of others. Honestly, this is a call to transformation. You are being asked to step into your full power. When it comes to your business and personal life, do not take this lightly. What can you do to accelerate your integration of truth and power? And how can you hold space for your audience, clients, and family members to do the same? This is righteous energy. Use it to your advantage.

The second eclipse of the month occurs on July 16th. This partial lunar eclipse happens at 5:38 pm Eastern at 24 degrees of Capricorn. Known as the Buck Moon, this significant Full Moon lunar eclipse packs a punch. Capricorn, a stoic sign driven by a pragmatic desire to improve, emphasizes work. This may feel contraindicated given it is vacation season, so channel this work ethic in positive and supportive ways. With no planetary emphasis in any of the air signs, it’s essential to breathe and breathe this Full Moon deeply. Get outside and get fresh air. Take a walk, hike, spend time in nature. Commit to your spiritual practice.

This Full Moon also boasts other aspects that are important to look at. Venus opposes Saturn but trines Neptune. With Venus in this combination at the exact moment of the Full Moon, it’s essential to feel into your feelings, honor your past, and set your sights on new goals.

As an eclipse, this Full Moon wraps up a 19-year cycle. Think back to where you were July of 2000, the last time we had an eclipse at this exact degree of Capricorn. What has changed, morphed, and transitioned since then? Who have you become? Take time to honor the many transformations you’ve experienced in your life since then. Then stake your claim. What has come full circle for you? What can you surrender, or release, this Full Moon?

On the 19th, Mercury slips back to Cancer in its retrograde spin. Pay attention to your emotional needs as well as the emotional needs of others at this time. Mercury’s shift back into Cancer switches the focus of the retrograde. As Mercury and the Sun move closer to their inferior conjunction on the 21st, you can expect the retrograde mayhem to amplify. But please note that it might feel more emotional than technological, especially as Venus moves into its exact opposition with Pluto on the 21st, too. Honor your emotions. If things feel intense, allow them to. Permit yourself to explore the full range of your humanity. It’s okay and an essential part of your healing.

Thankfully, the Sun moves into Leo on July 22nd, lightening the atmosphere. Leo, a fixed fire sign, encourages play and fun. One can argue that while the Sun travels in Leo, laughter is the most critical of all pursuits.

As the week moves on, the pace and tempo pick up. On the 24th, Mercury and Venus conjoin, helping you integrate all that you learned over the last few weeks. You can trust your ability to discern your needs at this time. The Waning Quarter Moon on this same day happens at 1 degree of Taurus at 9:17 pm, and it invites you to release that which you no longer need. The month ends with a New Moon in Leo on July 31st. Between now and then you want to surrender all that you can so you can approach this New Moon with an open heart and an open mind.

The 25th brings one of my most favorite days of the month when Mars in Leo trines Jupiter in Sagittarius. Empresses, this fire trine is precisely what you need to tap into your upbeat positivity and conjure what you want. Allow yourself to take action on your most heartfelt dreams and goals. I know Mercury is still retrograde, but by now you’ve done some serious heavy lifting. So please do trust yourself to know your next right move!

Come the 27th, Venus slips into Leo, too. Hello, positive vibes. Venus in Leo might feel like a shot in the arm in the most positive sense, so tune in to the opportunities around you. Open your heart to receive and give even more love! Venus travels in Leo until August 21st, and as the saying goes, “Make hay while the sun shines.” This is the perfect time to start to think through branding, photography, and how you present yourself to the world. Think about your brand story, your micro-niche, and how you can position yourself to shine in your market visually during this time frame.

Come the 28th and 29th, the Sun makes a beautiful angle of support to Chiron but also squares Uranus. This combination of Uranus squaring the Sun asks you to own your intuition and look for new ways to innovate in your brand, business, and life. It might feel abrupt, but with Chiron trining the Sun, it’s all very healing.

The last New Moon of the month occurs at 11:11 pm Eastern on the 31st. Happening at 8 degrees of the sign of the Lion, this New Moon is a shining star. It’s positive, upbeat, and offers you the freedom to indeed plant the seeds of your desires. Not only are the Sun and Moon in Leo, but so are Venus and Mars as well. And to sweeten the pot, Jupiter in Sagittarius sends a luscious beam of support to the New Moon also.

Further, Mercury, which has been retrograde since July 7th, goes direct! Focus on joy and that which you want to call in. This is a fun and playful New Moon. No doubt July brought a few hairpin turns; August promises a much easier road. So rejoice in all that you learned and celebrate your progress and growth. You are amazing!

Once you’ve read this month’s Cosmic Weather Update, be sure to comment in the Facebook thread with any questions and aha moments you have!