February is here and with the end of Venus Retrograde and Mercury Retrograde coming to a standstill by the 2nd, you are ready to rock and roll! You will feel the shift forward after maybe feeling stalled in January, and the stars are on your side.
In Origin, it’s time to focus on visibility. Whether you love or hate being seen, being visible and known in your field as an expert, aka authority figure, is a necessity in your business. If you aren’t known, how can you connect with those you are meant to serve and attract the income you need to thrive?
There are an infinite number of ways to be visible, and if anyone tells you there is only ONE way, they are simply sharing their own way.
From an astrological perspective, your key to visibility is a blend of your Big 3 (sun, moon and rising), along with a dash of attraction from Venus and a dose of authority from Saturn. This brilliance must be directed to where your ideal customer gathers.
Radiating your Sun sign gives you confidence in what you do uniquely well.
Satisfying your Moon sign’s needs shows you what you need to feel successful and secure in being recognized in the way you want to.
Embodying your Rising sign’s role and leadership allows you to be seen in the way your ideal customer expects of you.
Put on Venus to attract in her unique style by sign and Saturn to step into your own expert authority, and you have a winning formula for confident, amplified visibility.
This month after Mercury moves forward, all planets will be following suit so you can get a move on all the things that are important to you.
Mars and Venus spend most of the month cheek to cheek, giving us the energy to give and receive. A perfect energetic balance of taking action and receptivity.
While there are no big meet ups of cosmic events overall, if you can focus on your refreshed values and shared vision of the future, you can shine in your full radiance.
It’s time to radiate visibility.
This month we see:
- Mercury Stations Direct – Capricorn 24° (Feb 3)
- Mercury reenters Aquarius (Feb 14)
- Sun enters Pisces (Feb 18)
- Mercury leaves Shadow – Aquarius 10° (Feb 24)
- New Moon Aquarius 12° (Jan 31/Feb 1)
- Full Moon Leo 28° (Feb 16)
NEW: Origin Planetary Pulse
In a pinch and want to remember which days are best for which task? Go with the planetary pulse.
- Sunday (Sun): Create, radiate, source
- Do what you love!
- Monday (Moon): Feel, intuit, nourish, care
- Define how you want to feel and listen to your intuition to plan your week.
- Tuesday – Mars: Act, motivate, initiate, lead
- Take action on your tasks on this productive day.
- Wednesday – Mercury: Think, speak, write, communicate, share info
- Get on social, send an informative email, share your voice.
- Thursday – Jupiter: Believe, expand, teach, gratitude, promote
- Work on your website, send a press release, and promote your business.
- Friday – Venus: Connect, combine, appreciate, beautify, soften
- Focus on money, relationships, beauty and appreciation.
- Saturday – Saturn: Mastery, boundaries, “no”
- Take time for yourself to fill your cup.
Cosmic notes:
- These are the collective cosmic energies available to us all.
- There is nothing to be fearful of.
- Get curious about what you need to learn.
- Times given are for the exact meetings. Often you’ll feel the energy days or even weeks leading up to and away from.
- There are no prescriptive or predictive requirements, simply suggestions on how to work with (vs against) the energy of the time
To personalize energies:
- With conjunctions/meetings or lunar activations, look to the degree of the activation and find where that degree lives on your natal chart.
- Your astrological house in which the degree occurs is where in your business or life more information is available for that cosmic alignment.
Tips for reading your chart to personalize your Cosmic Weather
- Your natal chart is divided into 12 pie pieces called houses, and each of these house separations are unique to you.
- The line that separates each house is called the Cusp and is the doorway into the house.
- Each house represents an area in your life and business.
- The zodiacs go counterclockwise, in order of Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.
- Each zodiac sign contains 30°, 0° – 29°. Follow the counterclockwise motion to track the progression.
- When there is a meeting or “activation” in the cosmic weather for which a degree is offered, find the sign and the degree on your natal chart (go to astro.com or astro-seek.com for a free natal chart).
- The house that contains the degree is the house that is being activated for that transit so you can personalize the energy to your life and business.
February 1, 2022
New Moon in Aquarius 12°
January 31. 2022 9:46 PM PT | 12:46 AM + 1 ET
Rethinking Your Social Responsibility
Today I plant the seeds for my work, in collaboration with my larger communities, to create a lasting difference in the world.
How do you want your work to change the world?
Today you get to decide and declare how your work is here to create equitable change and social impact. Your work, when steeped in your social values that you share from the rooftops, calls in your aligned communities and changemakers. It is a big ask to declare how you want to change the world, but you don’t have to have a massive impact to make a massive change in someone’s life.
You are being called to revolutionize the way you’ve been running your business to ensure it aligns with your social values. You are being asked to give voice to your inner power. You are being asked to be the change.
Capricorn and Aquarius Empresses, you are especially being called to bring forth social responsibility in your businesses.
February 3, 2022
Mercury Stations Direct – Capricorn 24°
11:13 PM PT | 2:13 + 1 AM ET
Rethinking crystallizes
How will you crystallize your impactful vision of the future through your work?
Mercury Rx has stepped on the brakes and shifted gears forward! While Mercury, your thoughts and communications are now moving forward, we aren’t quite done with the full rethinking cycle. You have thought through your social impact and the pragmatic ways to get closer to your vision. Now it’s time to make a strategic plan before you can go full speed ahead. When Mercury leaves the shadow zone on the 24th, you’ll be ready. Use your time strategically.
Mercury Rx Schedule:
- 12/29/21 Enters shadow zone – Capricorn 24°
- 1/14/22 Station retrograde – Aquarius 10°
- 1/23/22 Midpoint combust – Aquarius 3°
- 2/3/22 Station direct – Capricorn 24°
- 2/24/22 Leaves shadow zone – Aquarius 10°
February 4, 2022
Sun conjunct Saturn
11:05 AM PT | 2:05 PM ET
Creative Focus
For what unique expertise do you want to be recognized?
The Sun, your creative force and natural talent, and Saturn, your commitment and mastery, meet today in Aquarius, starting a new creative mastery cycle. You can think of this meeting like a New Moon, a time of new beginnings, of clearing the slate between these two energies. Today you get to decide on what you will focus on for the next 6 months that will help you focus on your innovative, creative mastery – your unique approach to what you do. Remember, there is no one else in the world who can do what you do, and how you do it. Focus and commit to this approach.
At the same time, Mars, your motivation and drive, will be aspecting Chiron, the wounded healer, who reminds you that all your past so-called mistakes and challenges are actually your alchemical gold. The wounds that turn into wisdom are reminders that you are meant to pour into offerings and your unique approach to what you do.
Sun and Saturn at Aquarius 15°
Mars sextile Jupiter
5:38 AM PT | 8:38 AM ET
Opportunities for focused expansion
How will you keep your senses open to receive an invitation?
Mars in Capricorn is your focused drive and Jupiter in Pisces is your imaginative expansion. When they meet today in a sextile, an opportunity presents itself. First, you must recognize the opportunity, as it may be easy to miss if you aren’t on the lookout. Secondly, you must say yes to the opportunity. A meet up like today has much possibility for action and growth, if you can recognize and accept the invitation.
Mars Capricorn 8° sextile Jupiter Pisces 8°
February 8, 2022
Fast action day! All planets and even the Lunar nodes are moving forward today.
2Q Moon Taurus 19°
5:50 AM PT | 8:50 AM ET
Act steadily
What new and consistent tasks can you strategize this week?
It’s the beginning of the week-long 2Q moon phase where the moon gains light from a quarter moon to full. With this waxing, it is perfect timing to grow into your goals and New Moon intentions by taking action. You’ve done your planning and thinking, and now it’s time to act.
In Taurus and trining all the inner planets (Mercury, Venus and Mars) plus transformational Pluto in Capricorn, the moon is a reminder that your most impactful and personal action is through practical, pragmatic, and tasks that allow for perseverance. You’ve done your prep work, and can now take stable strategic action. Not sure which direction to go? Trust your body to help you make your decisions.
Especially supportive for Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
Mars trine Uranus
6:57 AM PT | 9:57 AM ET
A few moments after the 2Q Taurus Moon, Mars and Uranus get into an exact flow, adding to the momentum of the day. Mars and Uranus love to move quickly, yet with all the Earthy energy there is soundness that wants to be cultivated. Harness this power with steadiness, it may feel like a wild horse with no reins.
Mars Capricorn 11° trine Uranus Taurus 11°
Especially activating for Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
February 11, 2022
Mercury conjunct Pluto
6:04 AM PT | 9:04 AM ET
Your words have power – part 3
What would you like to say to 2021?
Our third and final meet up for this cycle that initiated on December 29, 2021 and peaked January 28, 2022, now comes to culmination today. Mercury, your ability to comprehend and communicate, and Pluto, your ability to transform and intensify, meet up for the third time with a clear, distilled and powerful message. Your words have power.
Over the course of this cycle, you were able to reevaluate what’s important in your life and Work to fashion your business in a new way thanks to Venus’s last retrograde. And over the course of the last few weeks, you were able to revise a possibility of a new future and the catalyzing effect your work would like to have as you write that future.
Now you have a clear understanding of how and what you want to transform, and it’s time to put these thoughts to powerful words to call in your greater communities over your shared vision. Use these words as a manifesto, and share them with whoever will listen. Keep this understanding close to your heart and at the root of all your communications.
You could skip this big ask, but what would you miss? Choose wisely.
Especially compelling for late Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn)
February 14, 2022
Mercury reenters Aquarius
1:54 AM PT | 4:54 AM ET
What new perspectives do you want to give voice to?
Mercury is moving full speed ahead, still retracing its steps forward through the retrograde shadow zone and now has returned to forward-thinking Aquarius. Mercury loves being in Aquarius as them gets to revisit new ideas, thoughts of the future, and hopes for humanity. You get a second chance to clarify your New Year’s goals or resolutions to reconcile anything that has shifted during the last Mercury Retrograde.
Harness this time, now through March 9, when Mercury splashes into elusive Pisces, to galvanize your ideas and goals about the future.
Especially enlightening for Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
February 16, 2022
An opportunistic, illuminated day of joy and creative knowing with the Full Moon in Leo shining the light of the Aquarius Sun, while Venus and Mars, the eternal pair, exactly meet for strategic give and receive.
Mars conjunct Venus Capricorn 16°
6:29 AM PT | 9:29 AM ET
Receptive attunement to your mastery
Venus and Mars have been cheek to cheek most of February and will continue their dance of give and take through March. Usually Venus travels much more quickly than Mars, but because of her recent retrograde cycle, she is a bit slower than usual and Mars is a bit quicker than usual. This eternal pair shows us balance. Venus is our ability to attract the people and resources into our lives and Work, and Mars is our ability to motivate and energize ourselves in going after the things we want. The two go hand in hand, and now they are aligned in a perfect union of reception. In Capricorn, this reception is attuning to your committed, long term, strategic mastery.
Especially receptive for Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn)
Full Moon Leo 28°
8:56 AM PT | 11:56 AM ET
Shining Bright, Hot, and Whole
Co-written with Natalie Miller
As the Full Moon in Leo takes center stage, every planet in our sky is direct, which compels a Lights, Camera, Action! moment for our truest selves.
It’s time to trust and enjoy the confidence you’re feeling. YES, your work can be as fun as it is impactful. And YES, your passions can get you paid!!
In the glow of confident Leo, it’s lovely to give and receive compliments. It’s also a great time to appreciate your WHOLE self, including the innermost wisdom that guides you, the deep desires that push you forward, and the uniqueness that isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but sure is delicious to Your People.
To fully self-appreciate, use this lunation to let go of any old stories that you’re not creative or compelling enough. Also: release the hurt that comes from moments that have wounded your pride, and whisper a thanks for the reminder that as much as you’re a shining star, you’re also an evolving human.
With Venus conjunct Mars in the middle of Capricorn (meeting exactly at Capricorn 16° shortly after the exact Full Moon at 6:29 AM PT | 9:29 AM ET), there’s an infusion of passion into whatever we’re building. Take note of whatever’s lighting you up and turning you on: that’s where to turn up the heat.
February 17, 2022
Jupiter sextile Uranus
4:14 PM PT | 7:14 PM ET
Awakening social optimism
There is a door that you walk by mostly unnoticed. If you look more closely, you can see it. This door is opportunity. It will open if you choose to see it AND if you choose to knock. Behind that door is a possibility of new connections and new optimism about the future, social causes, and equitable resources. It’s subtle, but there. If you choose to open that door, how will you choose to use this chance?
Jupiter 10° Pisces sextile Uranus Taurus 10°
February 18, 2022
Sun enters Pisces
8:43 AM PT | 11:43 AM ET
Season of magical possibilities
How can you bring more easeful imagination into your work?
It’s Pisces season! A time to connect to your Divine, magical self to make life and Work easier, lovelier and in more flow. Life is an illusion, not a delusion, when we are in the game where our reality is created from our dreams and visions. The power of Pisces is to connect with all times, places and spaces with empathy, artistry, love and Spirit. An interconnectedness like no other.
Interconnectedness is about first connecting to your Highest Self, your soul, your Divine Spirit – whatever the name you have for her. Through her, you feel into your work and trust your intuitive business decisions. Through her, you access your vast inner knowing through Piscean efforts like dreaming, imagination, music, imagery, poetry. There is nothing logical about Pisces, so how do you go with the flow this season?
If you have a strong Pisces placement in your chart (Sun, Moon, Rising or Neptune on the Ascendant) you have a dreamy and artistic, musical vibe. Your superpowers are being able to transport yourself and others to other times, places, or spaces through your work. Your compassion and empathy are your strength. Do not try to understand or logic your abilities, for as you try to grasp them, they will slip through your fingers. Life is an illusion, and you are the illusion creator – a movie director of sorts. What will you magically create?
During this season, may we all choose compassion, empathy, and divine embodiment of flow in our businesses.
For all the Piscean Empresses, the most loving and flow-y solar return (birthday) to you.
February 23, 2022
A day to move your body and let go with Mars in Capricorn aligning with Neptune in Pisces and the 4Q moon. There is so much momentum and ease to create opportunities to let go and flow for integrative freedom.
Mars sextile Neptune
11:12 AM PT | 2:12 AM ET
Move your bones to open up possibility.
Mars Capricorn 22° sextile Neptune Pisces 22°
4Q Moon Sagittarius
2:32 PM PT | 5:32 PM ET
Freedom to let go
What will you liberate yourself from in your work?
Letting go is freedom. Freedom is lightness and truth. This week with the 4Q moon phase, you now know what past patterns, past distrusts, past truths you need to let go for they’ve weighed you down for too long. Trust and lean into the movement of your body in the wake of Mars sextiling Neptune a few hours earlier. Move your bones and feel into what needs letting go.
The last quarter moon phase is an integration phase in our lives and Work. A healing and restorative time to cultivate all that we have learned and assess what we want to continue with and what we want to churn back into the earth as nourishment for the seeds we’ve planted.
February 24, 2022
Just as Mercury leaves the shadow zone, ending the full cycle of our first Mercury Retrograde, it squares off with Uranus for an added zing for full quantum speed ahead.
Mercury leaves Shadow – Aquarius 10°
Your thoughts blast off.
If you’ve done your work to revise the future you want to create through your work, this official ending of the full Mercury Rx cycle gives you a quantum leap into that future. You are ready to fully embrace your desired role in being a Changemaker to take action on your new plan. The stars are on your side and here to give you an energetic boost into that vision. Mercury, along with your vision, is now moving full speed ahead with accuracy and focus.
Mercury Rx Schedule:
- 12/29/21 Enters shadow zone – Capricorn 24°
- 1/14/22 Station retrograde – Aquarius 10°
- 1/23/22 Midpoint combust – Aquarius 3°
- 2/3/22 Station direct – Capricorn 24°
- 2/24/22 Leaves shadow zone – Aquarius 10°
Mercury square Uranus
6:22 PM PT | 9:22 PM ET
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Once you’ve read this month’s Cosmic Weather Update, be sure to comment in the Facebook thread with any questions and aha moments you have!