Happy March! As we straddle the end of the Zodiacal cycle with the last sign of Pisces and enter into Aries on the Equinox mid-month, it’s a massive shift of energy, regardless of where on this beautiful Earth you live, as we approach an equilibrium of light and dark.
In March, all planets are moving forward, giving us extra momentum to rev up our engines, and in Origin, we celebrate the theme of Culmination.
Culmination in Astrology is when a planet reaches the apex of the chart, where a planet or a cycle reaches its highest point. In Origin, we learn that culmination is the climax of our energy in our bodies based on monthly hormonal cycles – for some of us, in sync with the moon.
Both perspectives show that our energy comes in waves and phases. We can track the monthly physical energy in our bodies to plan work that takes extra vitality. And in our celestial cycles, we can plan out different projects according to our innate clockwork, unique to each of us.
Culmination periods are full of energy, physical, emotional, and spiritual. Sometimes just one, sometimes a combination, sometimes all of them at once. It feels like you’re in a car, with your foot on the gas, heading up an incline, the engine revving, and then the engine shifting down a gear as it’s built up the momentum to keep climbing without all the effort.
Culmination periods are wonderful for releasing something into the world, putting the effort in to deliver your work, being recognized for all you’ve accomplished. But culmination periods are more than that. And releasing, effort and recognition can come in other phases too.
You may be going through certain culmination phases right now, but somehow you feel like you’re missing the boat, as the energy you are feeling doesn’t quite line up with your inner cycle. There may be more subtle yet equally significant peaks integrating that are hidden under the covers of what is happening in your inner world that you can’t just see yet.
Culmination periods are always followed by completion periods. It’s in these completion periods, both in your body and in your celestial cycles, where recognition and accomplishment is likely still to happen as you roll down the hill with your foot off the gas, easily tying up loose ends and bringing projects to an ending point so you can begin again.
In March, the Cosmic Weather opens with a pretty intense first week with a fierce Pisces New Moon and both Mars and Venus entering Aquarius. Mark your calendars for the New Moon on March 2 and a shift of big energies on March 5.
Then we have some relatively smooth sailing till things get a bit dreamy starting around the Full Moon on March 16, before the Equinox on March 20.
If you are open to trusting your dreams and going with the flow (just like in the culmination phase when your engine has down shifted but you’re still in the midst of climbing with momentum), by the end of the month, Mercury connects with both Jupiter, the planet of belief and expansion, and Neptune, the planet of imagination and soul-connection, giving you a shift and softness in perception.
This shift allows you to appreciate the view and magic of it all. Dive into the abstractness of it all, and do not mistake this softness or dreaminess as confusion. Instead, dive in and connect with the imagination to get to your clarity. Just like a beautiful poem or music can move you into a new point of view, this shall too.
This month we see:
- Mars enters Aquarius (Mar 5)
- Venus enters Aquarius (Mar 5)
- Mercury enters Pisces (Mar 9)
- Sun enters Aries – Equinox (Mar 20)
- Mercury enters Aries (Mar 28)
- New Moon Pisces 12° (Mar 2)
- Full Moon Virgo 27° (Mar 18)
- New Moon Aries 11° (Mar 31)
NEW: Origin Planetary Pulse In a pinch and want to remember which days are best for which task? Go with the planetary pulse.
Cosmic notes:
To personalize energies:
Tips for reading your chart to personalize your Cosmic Weather
March 2, 2022
Massive day with the powerful Pisces New Moon and Mercury meeting up with Saturn. The astrology of the day is quite tight, where all the planets are bundled up between Uranus in Taurus and Venus in Capricorn.
On this day we also have Mercury and Saturn meet up at Aquarius of 19° and Venus, Mars and Pluto all stacked together. Needless to say, this day is potent and can feel quite intense. All the better for making space in your day to set an intention; even if you can’t define all the details of what you want, you can easily define how you want to feel, even when things are bundled up like this.
Mercury conjunct Saturn – Aquarius 19°
8:33 AM PT | 11:33 AM ET
New Moon in Pisces 12°
9:35 AM PT | 12:35 PM ET
Invoking Practical Magic
Hold on to your witch hat: this New Moon in Pisces brings a tidal wave of intuitive inspiration, flooding your life with possibility and your soul with wonder.
You’ve already seen many glimmers of this truth: Work is easy, fluid, and joyful when we simply do what we love. The idea that we have to work harder to have more (money, impact, power) comes from oppressive systems, not reality.
With Mars and Venus joining Pluto in the final degrees of Capricorn, it’s obvious that choosing to work intuitively and heartfully – rather than harder and more – is a radically revolutionary act. When you work from a place of joy and pleasure and in a way that honors alignment among body, mind, spirit, then you create the change you want to see in the world.
Happily, the Mercury/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius lends gravitas and staying power to every small shift you’re making in the way you conduct your business, personally and professionally.
Last but certainly not least, both Jupiter and Uranus co-sign this New Moon’s invitation for you to connect more deeply with your intuition and Higher Self. This Moon offers ample support for you to take the quantum leap toward more fully trusting your connection with Spirit and shows you that this is what magnetizes opportunities and breakthroughs beyond your wildest dreams.
March 3, 2022
The power to get what you want for the long term
It’s a build up day with both Venus and Mars hand in hand, asking us to open up our capacity to receive and go after what we want. Mars and Venus meet up with intense Pluto today, making your desires and ability to attain more potent.
With Mars and Pluto, be hyper-aware of the intensification of fear and frustration. Be prepared to channel that into constructive energy.
Gratefully, Venus is there to soften Mars’ drive.
Venus meets up with Pluto exactly a few hours later, her third exact meet-up with Pluto that began in early December of 2021. Venus generally meets up with Pluto once a year for a few days, but in this cycle, she’s been working with Pluto for the last three months.
This deep time together has given you the ability to not only reevaluate what and who’s important in your life and work but also now this final touchpoint until next year is giving you new birthed energy to initiate those powerful connections to co-creators and resources you need to accomplish your long term goals in your work.
On a day like today, take notice of what’s been reincarnated in you, your power to receive and your power to take aligned action.
Especially intense for Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn)
Especially supportive for Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
Mars conjunct Pluto – Capricorn 27°
12:43 AM PT | 3:43 AM ET
Venus conjunct Pluto – Capricorn 27°
9:56 AM PT | 12:56 PM ET
Reflect back on these dates around the same theme of Venus and Pluto:
- December 11, 2021: Notice your long term relationships and investments
- December 25, 2021: New realizations about your long term relationships and investments
- March 3, 2022: New priorities and goals for your long term relationships and investments
March 5, 2022
One of the biggest energetic days of March with the Sun and Jupiter starting a new annual cycle and Mars and Venus entering Aquarius hand in hand – a new beginning of equitable abundance and activism!
Sun conjunct Jupiter – Pisces 15°
6:06 AM PT | 9:06 AM ET
New beginnings for creative expansion
What do you feel inspired to create today?
The Sun, your creative source, and Jupiter, your optimistic visionary, meet today in Jupiter’s traditional home of Pisces. This annual meet-up of the Sun and Jupiter kicks off a new annual cycle of belief, philosophical understanding, and expanding on your ideals in your work. The Sun and Jupiter are close to meeting up with Neptune, who has a profound way of blending things together in new imaginative ways. If you feel confused with this kind of energy, do not avoid this state, as there is magic in this way of being. How can you trust in this process without having to define it?
The more you try to control and define, the more you will lose the luster of imagination working its magic in your work. Journal, make art, music, or write poetry to get into this state to open yourself up to practical, strategic, magical clarity in your work.
Especially inspiring for Water Empresses (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) and Sagittarius too!
Sun and Jupiter at Pisces 15°
Mars enters Aquarius
10:23 AM PT | 1:23 PM ET
Now through April 14, Mars spends its time in revolutionary Aquarius. Thanks to being hand in hand with Venus for most of his stay, Mars in Aquarius will have a softer touch when ruffling feathers. For the next 6 weeks or so, expect a boost of energy as it pertains to social impact and future thinking. As Mars pushes through Aquarius over the next few weeks, he’ll square off with Uranus, adding to some intense surprises. And toward the end of March, Mars will approach Saturn, adding even more pressure. Do your best to keep your cool while you’re standing up for your social values. Venus will do her best to add some grace to all of this, but things are about to heat up.
Venus enters Aquarius
10:30 PM PT | 1:30 AM +1 ET
Connect through social, equitable abundance
What social values and social abundance are you creating through your work?
Now through April 6, Venus joins Saturn and Mars already in Aquarius. Venus and Mars are hand in hand through the rest of March and gratefully so. Venus will add her diplomacy and grace to everything that Mars stirs up. Venus is attracting all the ways to value equitable abundance for all. Harness this Venus energy in Aquarius to live up to your values and give yourself grace for any frustrations Mars may inflame, as Venus will also square off with unpredictable Uranus and meet up with disciplined Saturn. Get ready to meet fellow changemakers and lead by instilling equitable abundant change for all!
Venus conjunct Mars – Aquarius 0°
11:12 PM PT | 2:12 AM +1 ET
Receptive attunement to your uprising
Venus and Mars have been cheek to cheek since February and will continue their dance of give and take all through March, last meeting exactly in Capricorn on February 16. Usually, Venus travels much more quickly than Mars, but because of her recent retrograde cycle, she is a bit slower than usual and Mars is a bit quicker than usual. This eternal pair shows us balance. Venus is our ability to attract the people and resources into our lives and Work, and Mars is our ability to motivate and energize ourselves in going after the things we want. The two go hand in hand, and now they are aligned in a perfect union of reception. Now freshly in Aquarius, they’ve taken their Capricorn lesson of mastery and commitment so that they can open up reception to attuned upleveling and uprising through YOUR revolutionary Work. You are committed and ready to impact change!
Look to your natal chart to find the house(s) that contain Aquarius. As Venus and Mars move through Aquarius, they will be activating this area of your business so you can be more receptive to being an innovator in your work, balancing your give and take in this part of your business.
March 9, 2022
Mercury enters Pisces
5:32 PM PT | 8:32 PM ET
Communication beyond words
What non-verbal or logical ways are you expressing your business?
Mercury, your thoughts, logic and communications, has now entered Pisces. We had a short few days of crystal clear, forward thinking before splash! Pisces is anything but logical. Pisces is dreamy and imaginative and much prefers communicating in abstract ways like art, music, or silence. Luckily, Mercury is full speed ahead, spending just a few weeks until March 27 in this watery space. While in Mercury, it’s a good time to think of nonverbal ways to communicate and share your ideas.
March 10, 2022
2Q Moon Gemini 19°
2:45 AM PT | 5:45 AM ET
Act and engage
What is one thing you can communicate today that will take action on your intention?
It’s the beginning of the week-long 2Q moon phase where the moon gains light from a quarter moon to a full moon. With this waxing, it is perfect timing to grow into your goals and New Moon intentions by taking action. You’ve done your planning and thinking, and now it’s time to act.
You may have changed your mind about something, and that’s ok. What needs to be communicated now that you have seen things in a different light? What action can you take to express your new perception and engage dialogue or curiosity?
March 13, 2022
Sun conjunct Neptune – Pisces 22°
4:43 AM PT | 7:43 AM ET
Vibrant powerful vision
What makes you feel creative, artistic, imaginative and connected to your Highest Self?
A great day to let your imagination soar.
It’s been a quiet time in the cosmos and much needed. As the Sun (creative vibrancy) and Neptune (visionary Spiritualist) meet in Neptune’s home of Pisces, we go through deep and meaningful interconnectedness to all.
“You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop” – Rumi
Let this be your theme for today. How do you drop into the ocean, and how can you feel out into all the deep mysteries of knowingness? Is it a guided meditation? Is it watercolor? Is it singing mantras? Dive oh so deep today and let your creativity and vision soar. Your Spirit will guide the way if you let it.
Look to Pisces 20° to find that sweet spot on your chart. The house that contains that connection point is where you will find more access to your Divine.
March 18, 2022
Full Moon Virgo 27°
12:18 AM PT | 3:18 AM ET
Cultivating a whole-self-honoring life
Co-written with Natalie Miller
You are a multiplex being: embodied and spiritual, practical and magical, made of muscles, bones, consciousness, and stardust. Your life’s work is most potent when it honors all parts of you: mind, body, heart, and Spirit.
Mind, body, heart, Spirit: these are all the ONE you. And you are part of the ONE Us, and We are part of the ONE all.
This Full Moon illuminates how loveable and vital ALL your parts are. It’s a time to thank the parts of you who have toiled and troubled to get you where you are. Give a huge hug to your inner disciplinarian and a bow of gratitude to your inner perfectionist. They, too, are parts of you, and have helped you get here.
This Full Moon asks you to invite the exacting, control-seeking parts of yourself to direct their energies toward radical self-acceptance and Whole Self Love. After all, what they REALLY want is to be deemed worthy of love and acceptance. Instead of perfecting your products and presentations and discipline, what if you perfected self-compassion, self-kindness, and permission to BE?
You’re also invited into this moment to remember how truly Big you are. Imagination, intuition, spirituality, and woo connect you to forces beyond understanding . . . and You Can Trust This Connection. The more you release the need to control and predict, the better you’ll be able to expand into your fullest Belonging.
March 19, 2022
Venus square Uranus
4:16 AM PT | 7:17 AM ET
Unexpected revelations
What social or money surprises come to you now?
If you have been standing by your social values in your Work, doing and investing in the things and people that matter, you have a new and profound inner understanding. While you naturally look for outer confirmations, you have gotten to the point that you are validating what until now you have been searching for on the inside. And this is your lucky breakthrough! What do you now notice about the people and resources attracted to your work with your new revelations? Something has shifted in you and your job today is to get curious about what has happened.
Especially revealing for Fixed Empresses (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius).
Venus Aquarius 12° square Uranus Taurus 12°
March 20, 2022
Sun enters Aries (Equinox)
8:33 AM PT | 11:33 AM ET
Season of new beginnings
How can we balance me and us?
Happy Equinox everyone! This astronomical event is celebrated and symbolized all across the world. Equinox symbolizes the balance of light. Today, no matter where you are on the Earth, day equals night. Light equals dark. And on the horizon, the Sun rises and sets at the midpoint from its journey north and south.
Ancient societies across the globe saw this event and placed meaning on the solstice.
At Angkor Wat, Cambodia, a grand Hindu (now Buddhist) temple’s central tower is crowned with the Sun on the morning of the equinox.
At Chichen Itza, Mexico, a Mayan pyramid casts shadows of a serpent god Kukulkan at the precise moment of the equinox.
Across ancient Europe and the Mediterranean, people would create temples inside of structures or caves that would only receive light at sunrise on the Equinox. The ancients were so in tune with the cycles of the Earth through generations of observation.
Now, for us spiritual and cyclical entrepreneurs, it’s the beginning of the astrological year, the new, the start, the need to put ourselves first and initiate.
Although we are starting Aries season, normally all about the “me” versus the “we,” Mercury, Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces, connect all of humanity, turning this Aries season into “me” and the collective “us.” In the world there has been so much division lately, but during this equinox, how can we move past our differences and unify for the sake of humanity?
While there is no simple solution, what is apparent with the astrology of today, March 20, 2022, is that it is time to find common ground, to unify individual rights (Aries theme), to make massive collective contributions to Mother Earth and all her inhabitants (Pisces theme), all motivated by equitable social systems and environmental justice for all (a dash of Mars, Venus and Saturn in Aquarius).
Back to YOUR work and your contribution. Will you be part of the unifying solution by contributing your dream into the collective? Or will you continue to divide? We are at a critical juncture in humanity, and we need your visionary work to effect change.
Mercury conjunct Jupiter
11:06 PM PT | 2:06 AM +1 ET
Get curious with your dreams
What ideals are now getting bigger in your Work?
A great day to share your vision with the wider world.
Mercury and Jupiter blend together for a few days leading up to and away from this exact meeting point. We are in the collective season of Trailblazing and hope and faith are fueling your work. Are you clear with this underlying super-consciousness? It takes effort and awareness to slow down and pay attention to what ideas are gaining momentum and where they come from. It may not seem so practical or pragmatic to spend time exploring these visions. Yet it is massively strategic to your larger dream and vision in your work. It is so important to your life’s work to connect the dots from your soul-centered super conscious to your day-to-day trailblazing in your work.
Mercury and Jupiter meet up today, very close to Neptune, all in dreamy Pisces. Take note of the visions and dreams coming to you in your work. In the next few days, Mercury will meet up with Neptune in the next few days, and then Jupiter will also meet up with Neptune, emphasizing big dreams in your work. This is a time for spiritual journeys coming through into your work as a visionary.
Especially visionary for Water Empresses (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces).
Mercury and Jupiter at Pisces 18°
March 22, 2022
Mars square Uranus
1:44 PM PT | 4:44 PM ET
Breakthroughs from frustrations
What shake ups and breakthroughs are now happening to you?
Expect to be tested for about a week leading up to and away from this transit. Likely, the person or events causing you the most stress is you. With a square off like this, prepare for shake ups and notice how you are contributing to unexpected frustrations.
Do not fear shake ups as these can be the breakthroughs you need for deeper insight. Resist the urge to blame and judge yourself, and instead be kind and understanding. Be curious about what you are meant to come home to in your values in your work.
The integration you feel, albeit uncomfortable, might just be what you need to break old habits that keep you stuck.
Especially intense for Fixed Empresses (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) – this too shall pass.
Mars Aquarius 12° square Uranus Taurus 12°
March 23, 2022
Mercury conjunct Neptune – Pisces 23°
10:44 AM PT | 1:44 PM ET
Be the channel to your highest self
What are your dreams and visions wanting you to perceive?
A great evening to receive visions and understanding
Late in the day, Mercury and Neptune meet up in Pisces, linking the conscious and super-consciousness. There is a visionary feeling of this fleeting moment that, if you can find space to connect and receive, will have the capacity to let you download messages from your Divine. While not necessarily a practical aspect for work or commerce, it is a great time to see a greater purpose and perspective. Your thought process, while not logical, is open and vast. What grander understanding might you receive about living and working in greater ease and flow?
Notice how you feel today as Jupiter is also on its way to meeting up exactly with Neptune and already in communications – meaning it is connected to this energy. Whatever Jupiter touches expands. The themes that come through during this timeframe will continue to grow. When you hear someone tell you to “dream big” – this is the perfect climate for that aim over the next few weeks.
Especially visionary for Water Empresses: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
March 24, 2022,
4Q Moon Capricorn 4°
10:37 PM PT | 1:37 AM +1 ET
Relax your bones
How much alone time can you block off today?
A great day to restore and refine your ambitions.
The last quarter moon phase is an integration phase in our lives and business. A time to cultivate all that we have learned and assess what we want to continue with and what we want to churn back into the Earth to fertilize our intentions.
With the Capricorn 4Q moon, spend some integration time restoring alone. It’s during this alone time you can get clear with all the goals and responsibilities you’ve put upon yourself to see if they are still consistent with your business now. Rest is a necessity for achievement. Block off time for yourself in the next few days. The more time alone and away you spend, the more productive you will be when you come back.
March 28, 2022
A day with lots going on in the sky. Mercury, the planet of communications, leaves watery Pisces so they can take fast forward action on all their ideals, and Venus meets up with Saturn, the once-a-year meet-up that asks us to tighten our belts.
Mercury enters Aries
12:44 AM PT | 3:44 AM ET
Think self-directed thoughts
What new ideas and thoughts will you affirm in your business?
A great few weeks to activate your ideas.
Mercury zips through the zodiac and cruises through quick acting Aries now through April 10. While in Aries, Mercury, our thoughts, communications and ways we share our work ideas can be vigorous, fast and spirited, especially since there may be so many ideals acquired in Pisces that you want to take action on. Be aware that this momentum doesn’t tip the scale of balance to become impetuous or impulsive. That’s always the trick with Aries, as it’s such a great energy to take flight and take the lead. When we communicate to others to follow our lead, our energy needs to be enthusiastic without being pushy. All those ideas you’ve had brewing now have the cosmic energy to initiate.
Venus conjunct Saturn – Aquarius 23°
12:27 PM PT | 3:27 PM ET
Tighten up your (social) values
With what groups do you want to affiliate and commit for impact?
You get to test your commitment to values today. This may show up with groups, your values or how you vote with your dollar for social impact. Venus is our ability to attract and connect, and when combined with Saturn, you are asked to tighten the belt to create limits.
You don’t need to please everyone, as you get to say NO to spending time and resources that don’t align with your social values.
March 31, 2022 / April 1, 2022
New Moon in Aries 11°
11:24 PM PT | 2:24 AM +1 ET
Deepening Your Leadership Through Healing
The Aries New Moon is tightly conjunct Chiron, the Wounded Healer, who’s been journeying through the sign of Aries since early 2019. Chiron helps you see how your wounds give rise to potent strength, deep wisdom, and necessary resilience.
In this lunation, you’re invited to fully accept that all your past hurts and all your tender growth points are essential to your leadership. Everything you’ve learned as you’ve worked to address and heal your wounds is foundational to the way you help others. Your healing is still in progress, yes, and this is an asset—a strength. Your wounds make you a compassionate, connected leader.
With Jupiter conjoining Neptune in Pisces, you’re especially open to inspiration, intuitive hits, and connection with Spirit. And with Mars and Venus giving Saturn a big hug in Aquarius, there’s ample opportunity to ground your flights of fancy into tangible, practical actions with lasting impact.
Now is the time to clarify who you want to be as a leader and to honor the ways in which everything you’ve been through gives you the strength and softness necessary to realize that vision.
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Once you’ve read this month’s Cosmic Weather Update, be sure to comment in the Facebook thread with any questions and aha moments you have!