Welcome to April, a month where personal development may just be the key to your business development!
The month kicks off with Mercury, the planet of communication, retrograde and conjoined to the Sun. Mercury, in retrograde motion in Aries, asks for patience. As the Sun passes Mercury (and Mercury passes the Sun), you might feel the impact of Mercury retrograde more intently. On the downside, this could look like miscommunications and technical difficulties. On the upside, though, clarity might find you like a bright kid playing hide-and-seek who knows precisely where to look. Lean into the potential here because, as much as Mercury in retrograde can create headaches and require a sense of humor, it’s here to help you access your intuitive voice, review where you’ve been, and decide where you wish to go from here. It’s powerful. Use it to your advantage.
Additionally, now more than usual, it’s important to remember your morning routine. A few deep breaths, a meditation practice, and some gentle stretching in the morning can go a long way right now. Practice breathing before reacting. And go slow. (With the Sun in Aries, patience might run thin, making it easy to snap at children and frustrating events right now, so take time to center yourself.) Cultivate patience.
On April 2nd, Mars in Capricorn conjoins Saturn in Capricorn. This Mars/Saturn combo means karma rules the roost. Saturn travels through Capricorn for the next two years. Its position in Capricorn activates a new set of life lessons for you. Mars conjoining Saturn at this time sheds light on precisely what the planet of karma encourages you to learn. Study what’s unfolding in your life. (It’s all connected.)
As the week moves on, particularly on the 4th and 5th, retrograde Mercury makes a tough love angle to this Mars and Saturn combination. If ever there’s a time to embrace humility and trust a guiding hand behind the scenes directing your life, it’s now. Though you do need to take responsibility for your actions, you are not in control of everything. With retrograde Mercury in Aries, squaring Saturn and Mars together in Capricorn, now’s the time to study what’s going on in your life (and the world around you) and deduce what you most need to learn, digest, and integrate.
Life doesn’t happen to you; it happens for you. And while this might be a good time to practice mindful self-compassion, it’s also a great time to practice surrender and trust, too. What are you learning? Get clear.
Thankfully, Venus – the planet of love, beauty, and harmony which now travels in its domain, Taurus – makes an epic manifesting trine to Saturn on April 7th. Venus is the natural ruler of Taurus and travels through this sign for the majority of the month, offering stable, loving vibes. Use this to your advantage.
Even with the waning Moon in full effect, signifying that it’s a time to release, with Venus trining Saturn at this point, vital personal values clarify and crystalize. So discern, intuit, and commit to your truth.
Ask yourself:
- What are my core personal values?
- How have they recently shifted or amplified?
- What am I committing now?
Loving Venus moves on to a trine with Mars, too – another beautiful manifestation angle on the 10th. This important connection further solidifies your values. However, at the same time, the Sun makes a hard angle to Pluto on the same exact day.
This tricky cacophony of planetary aspects may feel a bit confusing. The trick here, though, is to see through your façade. To intentionally name and understand your shadow. By doing so, you will reconnect with lost parts of self.
Your shadow is the part of yourself that you repress and deny – possibly even to the point of constructing an identity that’s contrary to a fundamental truth about yourself. One of the hardest parts of emergence is trusting yourself as you emerge.
Hint: Befriending your shadow opens doors to personal power and confidence. It makes it easier to present yourself and your work to the world. And right now with Pluto squaring the Sun during Mercury retrograde, while Venus trines Mars and Saturn, shadow work proves fruitful.
New to shadow work? Check out Debbie Ford’s seminal book, The Dark Side of the Light Chasers. It’s an intense, but oh-so-worthy, classic book. (Your life may never be the same!)
As the Moon moves through its waning crescent phase and back to new, the cosmos offers supportive aspects. Venus forms a positive and supportive trine sextile to Neptune, the planet of dreams, while good-luck Jupiter does the same with Pluto.
On April 15th, the new Moon in Aries occurs at 26 degrees of Aries and conjoins revolutionary Uranus. This new Moon has volatile tendencies, especially as Mars, Pluto, and Saturn all travel close to one another in Capricorn, a sign that squares this new Moon. (A square signifies a challenge or curveball.) This fertile void moment is ripe with potential. Go slow to go fast. And if you can, take a day off (the world will not stop, and a fort tent with your kiddos may make all of the difference to your sense of well-being). Nurture yourself. Nurture your children.
No matter how you spend this sacred new Moon day, now’s the time to set firm intentions for your life for how you wish to move forward as a leader in your business, in your household, and within yourself.
With Mercury stationing direct at the same time of the new Moon, do not underestimate the power of your intuition. It’s leading you exactly where you need to go.
So tap in and visualize your dream. What does it feel like, look like, taste like? Fill it with color and then capture it on paper. Set a definite intention for how you’d like to blossom and grow.
As mothers, this is also a great time to talk with your children about using their intuition, too. It’s never too soon or too late to introduce your children to their superpowers! If you need a resource for this, check out Sonia Choquette’s book, Wise Child: A Spiritual Guide to Nourishing Your Child’s Intuition.
On the 17th, Saturn, the planet of discipline and structure, stations retrograde and travels in retrograde motion through Capricorn until September 6th. While Saturn stations retrograde, now’s the time to check in on a soul level and ask yourself this: “Do I actually want that thing I am chasing?” Clarify your goals and make sure your ambition aligns with your personal values. To help you with this process, Venus in Taurus sends a loving beam of good luck to Pluto in Capricorn. This aspect magnifies manifestation powers and possibly even love, too.
In the same breath, expect the unexpected. The Sun and Uranus are perfectly aligning on the 18th, meaning few things go as planned. Lean into change and go with the flow!
Thankfully, on the 19th, the Sun moves from getting-it-started Aries into stable-Mable Taurus. The Sun in Taurus provides some much-needed groundedness to the cosmos, helping you to feel way more settled as the month closes out.
On April 22nd – Earth Day – Pluto stations retrograde, too (also in Capricorn) and will stay retrograde until September 30th. Between now and April 26th, Pluto will await Mars to connect and conjoin their superpowers.
Holy power-o-rama, Empresses!
This last week of April asks you to connect with your knowing firmly. To not doubt yourself. It encourages you to stay in your power – but without power-tripping. Mars and Pluto conjoin while sextiling Jupiter. This is a lot of raw energy and beautiful potential that can help with negotiating money and busting through pesky limiting beliefs. One of the most powerful weeks of the month (I’d even argue the year), this last week of April helps you to move the ball forward in your life while maintaining integrity with your soul.
With the Moon waxing to full, Venus moving out of Taurus and into Gemini on the 24th, and Saturn squaring Mercury on the 25th, stay focused, intentful, and gritty. Do not give up. Dive deeper and trust.
The full Moon in Scorpio on the 29th sextiles Saturn in Capricorn. Simultaneously, Saturn trines the Sun, so if you’ve done your work this month, this full Moon will deliver big for you. Occurring at 8:58 pm ET at 9 degrees of Scorpio, this potent lunar moment invites you into your power – dare I even say sexual power?! A full Moon in Scorpio asks you to become your own seductress. Tap in, tune in, and turn on your second chakra, Empresses. As Kate has discussed significantly in the past, the second chakra connects to money and sex, and this full Moon (with the Sun in Taurus opposing the Moon in Scorpio) asks you to own your turn-on. Whether you have a partner or not, tapping into your sexuality this full Moon might just open a new path of potentiality for you. Feel blocked sexually? Now’s the time to commit to change. Hire the therapist, sign up for the retreat, buy the sex toy. You get my point – commit to change. And if you are really not in a place to explore your sexuality, journal instead. Ask yourself what stepping into your power looks like this full Moon. A full Moon ceremony goes a long way this month!
April offers the raw potential necessary to realign or reclaim your powers, hone and honor your intuition, and magnify your manifestation potential. Use it to your advantage.