Embracing Healthy Masculine
It is a mostly peaceful month after May’s turbulence. You survived, reflected, and became so much wiser. Now that the dust has settled, it’s time to take aligned action. And in Origin, you get to practice Embracing the Healthy Masculine.
In May you practiced BEING due to the intensity of the month.
Now it’s time to practice strategic, masculine DOING in a healthy way.
From an astrological perspective, planetary and zodiacal energies are given polarities, traditionally understood as “feminine” or “masculine.”
Personally, I love using the Chinese or Eastern terms “Yin” and “Yang” to describe these gendered terms. I believe the Western gendered terms no longer include the expanding identity of our current society.
To truly understand the Healthy Masculine – or Yang energy – is to analyze it from the duality and polarity of Divine Feminine, for these energies are not separate. They all live on a spectrum and have a relationship to one another.
To harness Healthy Masculine, be aware of healthy Divine Feminine and Unhealthy Masculine. And by the way, Divine Feminine energy has unhealthy expressions as well.
To keep Yang a healthy energy is to balance the energy with Yin. This harmony keeps Yang energy from over-consumption and Yin energy moving forward in flow.
You need Healthy Masculine or Yang energy to operate effectively in our Work and businesses to:
- Know when to take action
- Be confident and assertive
- Take courageous risks
- Speak and stand up for what’s right
- Fight the good fight
- Be objective when needed
Feminine/Yin | Masculine/Yang |
Astro symbols | |
Earth Water Nocturnal Moon Venus |
Air Fire Diurnal (Day) Sun Mars |
Processes | |
Being Passive Receive Remember Emotional Intuitive Feeling Reflective Safety Create Plant Compromise Care/tend |
Doing Assertive (not aggressive) Achieve Strategize Logical Intellectual Thinking Reactive Security Consume Extract Confident Fight |
Healthy Mars action is going after what you want, vs. taking what you want. The ultimate traditional planet of masculine energy is Mars.
It’s standing up for what’s right, vs. fighting to fight.
It’s being self directed, vs. following to uphold.
It’s being your best, vs. competing to dominate.
For all of June, Mars stays in its home sign of Aries, where it is comfortable and empowered in taking action.
Last month, Mars amped up the flames a bit with Jupiter where you felt the heat.
This month, Mars connects with Chiron, the Wounded Healer allowing you to align your Work to move through frustration and anger to get to the Work that brings out YOUR BEST.
In June, you get to look forward to the cosmic weather giving you lots of space (aka a less turbulent weather pattern) to take aligned action (aka Healthy Masculine) on the Work that matters most. You’ve learned so much that it’s time to apply it in your Work!
This month we see:
- Mercury Rx ends Taurus 26° (June 3)
- Saturn Rx begins Aquarius 25° (June 4)
- Mercury reenters Gemini (June 13)
- Mercury leaves Shadow Gemini (June 19)
- Sun enters Cancer – Solstice (June 21)
- Venus enters Gemini (June 22)
- Neptune Rx begins Pisces 25° (June 28)
- 2Q Moon Virgo 16° (June 4)
- Full Moon Sagittarius 23° (June 14)
- 4Q Moon Pisces 29° (June 20)
- New Moon Cancer 7° (June 28)
Origin Daily Planetary Pulse In a pinch and want to remember which days are best for which task? Go with the planetary pulse.
Cosmic notes:
To personalize energies:
Tips for reading your chart to personalize your Cosmic Weather
June 3, 2022
Mercury Retrograde Stations Direct Taurus 26°
1:00 AM PT | 4:00 AM ET
What is your renewed clarity? What will you now take action on?
Mercury has stepped on the brakes to once again move forward in the sky! The second of 3 retrograde cycles in 2022 most likely gave you a case of the procrastinations, messages from old acquaintances and the slow down you needed to experience the intensities of May’s Eclipses. What did you get to rethink and see from a fresh perspective during this time? How are you now running more smoothly after this reboot?
Mercury will leave its shadow zone on June 16 and then you’ll be fully integrated from this cycle.
June 4, 2022
Saturn Retrograde begins Aquarius 25°
2:46 PM PT | 5:46 PM ET
Revisit your systems and accountability
What old rules and systems need breaking?
Saturn is officially retrograde and appearing to go backwards in the sky from our place on Mother Earth now through mid-October. Over the last few weeks, Saturn, a slow moving planet, has basically parked itself on Aquarius 25°. For those of us that have any natal planets or angles at this mark, we have already been feeling the energetic squeeze.
Saturn is about contraction, limits and the long haul. Saturn doesn’t mean to be strict – Saturn instead teaches us how to turn doubt into focused mastery. Obligation into accountability. And skill into expertise and authority. Saturn teaches us to say no and commit to our actions through boundaries.
When Saturn is in Aquarius, it’s second home, something special happens. Instead of building up the structures and containers in which we learn our place in the systems to succeed, Saturn breaks the rules it built so that it can live free from social restraints and conditioning that hold us back through shoulds and duty.
It’s during the Saturn Rx, which happens once a year for about 4.5 months, that you are given a chance to restructure your social obligations through the systems you live and Work in.
In 2022, as we create social equity, part of this rule-breaking of Saturn in Aquarius is building businesses outside the systems of Capitalism and Patriarchy and designing equitable leadership (authority). The old Capricornian patriarchy and duty is dying. Breaking free can be scary for some, especially those that fear change or hold tradition at all costs. For the rest of us, this is the change we’ve been waiting for.
As Saturn ends the Rx cycle in October, this energy will be squared off with Uranus, a similar energy that put us on the brink much of 2021. What have you learned from the extremes of last year that you can dismantle this year?
As Saturn retraces its steps for half the year, it is time to reform your systems, responsibilities and structures in your life and business.
The last few weeks have already brought up the fracture points in your life and Work that are the easy breaking points. Don’t resist; get curious.
On a personal note…
Saturn has been sitting on my natal Sun and Jupiter. This is a big part of my burnout story for the past few months. The Saturn principle of contraction is sitting on my two most expansive energies, my Creative Source (Sun) and my Power of Belief (Jupiter). Instead of fighting this burnout, I have created boundaries to work only on what’s necessary and NOT create anything new. Instead, I have been looking at the business I have built and seeing where I can pare down (contract) to focus on my expertise by repurposing great content and streamlining my offers. Saturn isn’t always comfortable but crystallizes what is important. And I have definitely been learning that!
June 7, 2022
2Q Moon Virgo 16°
7:48 AM PT | 10:48 AM ET
Act and ground
What one practical step will you take that stabilizes your Work?
It’s time to take action! Action for Virgo is based on daily practices of health and wellness that grounds you. What change in your grounding and foundational practices have you been avoiding but know will help you? Today is the day to ignite that one change. Maybe it’s starting that morning routine, or checking your bank daily. This subtle shift in your daily practice that you know you need to do but haven’t yet started will have maximum impact. So take a leap and start it today.
June 10, 2022
Mercury trine Pluto Rx
2:21 PM PT | 5:21 PM ET
Your words have power
What can you share that transforms?
A great day to craft a message with deep meaning.
It’s a day like today where you have access to deep emotional intelligence and want to share something vulnerable. Now, this isn’t for the sake of clickbait or manipulation. Instead, this is about sharing something deep you’ve overcome in your business that connects you to those that may be going through the same thing you’ve worked through — your ideal customers!
You have the ability to put words to these feelings today and use them to inspire transformation in your community.
Your words have power.
If you have Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) in late degrees, you’ll be able to create your messages with a feeling of support.
Mercury Taurus 28° trine Pluto Rx Capricorn 28°
June 11, 2022
Venus conjunct Uranus
3:48 PM PT | 6:48 PM ET
Unpredictable abundance breakthroughs
What shakeups in finances and relationships are revolutionizing your world?
For a few days leading up to and away from this meeting, Venus, your abundance and relationship energy and Uranus, your maverick energy meet up in the sky in Venus’s home sign of Taurus. You may get some surprises with your physical resources (yes, money!). Be careful to not judge things as good or bad, for it would be too soon to say, even if the immediate outcome is a financial hit. When Uranus is involved, its shocks are meant to be quantum leaps to get you onto your next evolution. So if a minor setback gets you to where you are supposed to be, that doesn’t sound too bad, does it?
Especially awakening for Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius).
Venus Taurus 16° conjunct Uranus Taurus 16°
June 13, 2022
Mercury reenters Gemini
8:27 AM PT | 11:27 AM ET
Thoughts are curious and quick
What information will you share to engage?
Mercury returns to its home sign of Gemini now through July 12. While at home in chatty Gemini, Mercury is particularly strong while moving forward, taking care of business through sharing ideas, teaching, writing, and all things communication. And after this past Mercury Retrograde, Mercury has a few more items on its to do list implementing all the clarity it received.
You may have a ton to say and do but remember, Gemini at its highest is about being curious and listening too. That means remember to reflect.
June 14, 2022
Full Moon Sagittarius 23°
4:51 AM PT | 7:51 AM ET
Illuminating True Self-Appreciation
This Full Moon invites us to reflect back into the heart of the eclipse cycle of 2020-21, when there was a total solar eclipse (New Moon) at this same degree of Sagittarius. Look back at your calendar, journal, and communications to see what was emerging for you around December 14, 2020.
Now is the time to celebrate how far you’ve come.
Applaud the ways in which you’ve created a new paradigm, and adopted a new belief system for yourself. Appreciate – meaning, give more power and more value to – the ways in which you’ve broken free from a limited and limiting self-concept.
At the same time, Mars conjunct Chiron pokes you to notice anything that remains of your old doubts and fears. It’s time to sever any last ties to limiting beliefs that make you over-give, over-share, under-price, or under-estimate yourself.
With the Sun trine Saturn, it’s the perfect time to articulate better boundaries and more self-honoring policies. Moon square Neptune asks you to lean into self-compassion and connection with Spirit as you do so. Your creative integrity depends on your deep honoring of the interconnectedness of mind and body, and soul
June 15, 2022
Mars conjunct Chiron
6:49 AM PT | 9:49 AM ET
Take a stand for healing
What wounds will you heal in others that you can’t heal in yourself?
For a week leading up to and away from this event, hurts, wounds and resentments are simmering on the surface for us all. It’s a potent time when salt can be poured on wounds just as easily as a healing balm can be applied. During this time, you must choose healing over fighting, consent over conflict, and honesty over anger. If you don’t consciously choose to look at all your old wounds and how you’ve hurt others, healing cannot happen. If you DO choose to take the path of healing, you have tremendous energy available to do great healing for others that you may not be able to do for yourself. This healing of course is metaphorical, for there are so many ways to offer healing through your Work. How will you be the medicine? It’s primarily to choose to not be the poison.
Mars and Chiron at Aries 15°
June 16, 2022
Follow the sweetness
What glimmers show you the way?
It’s an intensely emotional day (thanks to the Moon cozying up with Pluto) with glimmers of sweetness. Today you need to follow the glimmers. Glimmers are the opposite of triggers — they are fleeting moments when you are sparked by joy, safety and calm. Like a hummingbird that comes across your path or a sunbeam peeking through the clouds.
Deb Dana, a licensed clinical social worker, coined the term Glimmers in relation to calming our nervous system. And in your Work, Glimmers show you the way to your joyful purpose. Today, focus on these Glimmers, pay heed and follow their sweetness. They will show you your path to your soul’s potential and connection with Venus meeting up the North Node today in Taurus and the Sun aspecting transcendent Neptune.
Sun square Neptune
12:13 AM PT | 3:13 AM ET
Sun Gemini 25° square Neptune Pisces 25°
Venus conjunct North Node
2:46 AM PT | 5:45 AM ET
Venus and North Node at Taurus 22°
June 18, 2022
Venus square Saturn Rx
2:32 PM PT | 5:32 PM ET
Fleeting hard feelings
What inner emotions are blocking you?
For a few days leading up to and away, you may have fleeting hard feelings, maybe around finances or your physical surroundings. See this as a gift, waiting to fuel you. Instead of getting stuck in old stories, get curious about what these hard feelings want you to know about your situation. Saturn wants you to turn doubt into mastery. Venus wants you to connect to the people and resources that allow you to thrive.
- Is it self-doubt in what you do? What is self-doubt asking you to master?
- Is it difficulty in relationships? What is that relationship telling you about your own power or boundaries?
- Is it distrust? What about your own power are you not prioritizing?
On a day like today, you get to turn lead into gold in your business if you choose to perceive hard feelings differently.
Especially revealing for Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius)
Venus Taurus 25° square Saturn Rx Aquarius 25°
Mercury leaves Shadow – Gemini 4°
3:26 PM PT | 6:26 PM ET
Full speed ahead
What new truths and beliefs will you now communicate?
Mercury Retrograde ended a few weeks ago and now Mercury has crossed the point in the sky where it retraced its steps – out of the shadow zone. Mercury is now moving forward with your new thoughts and truths that you have recovered during the retrograde cycle. Permission to think quickly on your feet and proceed full speed ahead with your plans and actions.
June 20, 2022
4Q Moon Pisces 29°
8:11 PM PT | 11:11 PM ET
Relax and flow
What inner consciousness is now aligned to your soul?
A great day to relax and spend time alone or with spirit.
With the Pisces 4Q moon, spend some inner reflective time connecting with your soul and spirit. It most likely will be a day with your head in the clouds (aka not feeling or thinking clearly) so don’t fight it — simply relax and go with the flow.
The last quarter moon phase is an integration phase in our lives and business. A time to cultivate all that we have learned and assess what we want to continue with and what we want to churn back into the earth as nourishment for the seeds we’ve planted.
June 21, 2022
Venus trine Pluto Rx
1:23 AM PT | 4:23 AM ET
You are magnetic
Who are you attracting? Who do you need to avert?
There are powerful attraction powers today. And you could say yes to every invitation but that would spread you too thin. You are being asked to be selective today to attract only those people and opportunities that will put you on your highest path. You’ve gotten so much clearer on your priorities and focus that it will likely be easy for you to discern. So notice the no’s you need to uphold to let in the most powerful opportune yesses.
Venus Taurus 28° trine Pluto Rx Capricorn 28°
Sun enters Cancer – Solstice
2:14 AM PT | 5:14 AM ET
Season of inclusion and nurturing
How can you create belonging and sanctuary in your Work?
As the Sun enters cardinal water Cancer, it signals the summer solstice. The solstice is when the Sun is the furthest away from the equator meaning that those of us in the Northern Hemisphere have the most Sun with the longest days and those of us in the Southern Hemisphere have the least Sun with the shortest days.
Solstice, to stand still. The Sun reaches the highest point in the sky and appears to stand still.
As it is in a cardinal sign, a solstice is the start of a season, a signal that we are now in Summer or in Winter. Whichever season it is for you, it is the season to tend to your foundational roots, the system that nourishes your emotional security that allows you to rise.
In your personal life, this means tending to your family and self-care. In your business, this means nourishing your clients to feel included in your safe community. This care, security and protection is the root of emotional security that allows for healing and growth to happen.
Happy solar return to all the Cancerian Empresses as you feel a sense of renewal this month.
June 22, 2022
Venus enters Gemini
5:34 PM PT | 8:34 PM ET
Connect over shared interests and dialog
What connections can you make with those with whom you can chat endlessly?
Now through June 3, Venus, our connection to the people and resources we need to succeed, is gliding through social Gemini where it wants to connect with others through intellect, engaging dialog and shared ideas. When Venus is in Gemini, your values scatter a bit as everything holds interest, and life is so fascinating. This isn’t the time to commit to any single relationship or interest. Instead, use this energy to meet new people over shared interests, join or start a writing group or a book club. Let your mind take the lead by connecting you to the right people and resources you need. Oh, and if you’ve had a hard time connecting over social or feeling blocks with your communications, Venus is here to send you some love in this area.
If you have any planetary energies or angles (Rising, Descendant, Midheaven or IC) in Gemini, over the next few weeks, lucky Venus will be sharing its sparkles with you.
June 28, 2022
We end June with a bang as 3 energies are exacting today.
We start in the wee morning with Neptune stepping on the brakes to reverse for its annual retrograde.
Then the Sun squares off with Jupiter igniting new possibilities in perfect timing for the New Moon later that evening, an event that will amplify these new possibilities into ripe intentions.
Neptune Stations Retrograde Pisces 25°
12:54 AM PT | 3:54 AM ET
Reimagine with Spirit
Now through December 3, 2022, Neptune does its annual retrograde, which you will feel only on the most subtle level. All because Neptune is at its closest to Earth when in retrograde, so we feel Neptune at a deeper level. Feeling Neptune is elusive in of itself, as Neptune is the great transcender and blender of feelings so that you can feel interconnected with all at a soul level. And that goes especially true for those of us with Neptune Rx in your natal chart. Dream activity could be at a high, and everything Neptune represents (soul work, soul healing, soul purpose, faith, vision, dreamwork, etc) comes into refocus.
Pisces Rx Schedule
- 6/28 Stations Retrograde Pisces 25°
- 9/16 Midpoint 24°
- 12/3 Stations Direct Pisces 22°
Sun square Jupiter
5:59 PM PT | 8:59 PM ET
Your potent purpose ignites
What are your dreams or inspirational downloads envisioning for you?
Can you allow yourself to feel into this huge and expansive energy? Your creativity can be set ablaze with this visionary energy! As the Sun, our creative vitality, and Jupiter, our expansive belief, square off in the sky, you are ready to fly high! Channel this energy into creative pursuits, even if the energy feels untamable, for you can edit later. Be aware that this energy can flow into feeling overly generous. Be aware of what you agree to so that you don’t regret it later. However, you channel this energy, ENJOY and share it with others to help up your enthusiasm.
Sun Cancer 7° square Jupiter Aries 7°
New Moon Cancer 7°
7:02 PM PT | 10:02 PM ET
This is a powerful New Moon that asks you to take full “response-ability” for your circles of belonging.
The Moon is at home in Cancer, fully attuned to the interconnectedness of All. A square to Jupiter in Aries ups the cardinal energy of this moon: it’s time to move forward by taking potent action that helps you to feel a greater sense of belonging at home, in your Work, and in the world.
This potent action must honor and protect what’s true for you. This may involve taking a stand, drawing and holding a boundary, and choosing a side. Remember that you co-create the circles in which you live and work, and you always have the power to draw them in ways that honor your truth and integrity.
With supercharged Mars in Aries squaring Pluto in Capricorn, there is definitely an edge to this Cancer moon. Tread carefully, and choose your co-creators wisely. Rather than becoming entangled in power struggles, channel the assertive and deeply transformative aspects of this lunation into the self-honoring moves you know you need to make.
As a celestial being yourself, you ALWAYS belong here. It’s time to claim your Belonging by turning toward the friends, lovers, partners, clients, and communities that honor your whole beautiful human self . . . and away from any that can’t or don’t.
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Once you’ve read this month’s Cosmic Weather Update, be sure to comment in the Facebook thread with any questions and aha moments you have!