Day 7

Day 7: Shall we live in a commune together?

Today marks our mid-way point for The Do Less Experiment.

You may have experienced some resistance coming up, perhaps manifesting as “I don’t have time to do these experiments. I’m too busy.”

I want to tell you that I get it. I feel the same way. But that is our inner gremlin that’s obsessed with productivity, above all. And she is the one that will sabotage our well-being and pleasure, time and time again.

Thank her for sharing and staying with me anyway. Shifting our focus from doing more to doing less takes time, and it’s a practice. Not feeling like it, deciding you’re too busy, or thinking this stuff is stupid are all signs of resistance.

The good news is that when your resistance comes up it means you’re growing and changing! So congratulations are in order!

Now, on to today’s experiment. Back in the day, women raised children within a tribe. There were lots of different mothers and grandmothers and aunts and folks around to help.

I read an account of a woman who grew up in a modern-day tribe, and it wasn’t until she was four years old that she even realized that she came out of just one woman’s body.
All of the mothers in her tribe were her mothers. Imagine that level of support and that level of feeling safe and secure and that you belong to that many women. It brings me to tears every time I think about it.

While most of us aren’t living in a tribe or a communal setting, we can recreate the support of it to some degree.

It starts with knowing when and how to ask for help.

Watch the video about today’s experiment (it’s just over 2 minutes) to get the full download on today’s experiment.

Now, tell me how it went! Share what you asked for help with and how it went on social media using #DoLessExperiment and tag me @katenorthrup so that I’m sure to see it.

When you post about your experiment on social media and participate in the conversation in our Facebook group, you’ll be entered to win 3 months of Origin™ for free (including those who are already members)!

P.S. Asking for help is a BIG topic. Share your questions, insights, and results in our Facebook community. There’s a treasure trove of wisdom in there that you’ll want to tap into because it’s our village!