Day 5: The most freeing word in the English language
Today is one of my favorite days of the Do Less Experiment because we get to practice saying one of the most freeing, yet underutilized, words in the English language. (Unless you’re a toddler, in which case you probably use this word a little too much!)
You guessed it! The word is “no.”
Your experiment is simple. It’s simply to say no to something today.
But there are a few nuances that you won’t want to miss when it comes to how to say no, especially if you want to do it with ease, grace, and love.
Watch the 1:49 minute video below for the full experiment.
How did it go? What did you say no to? How did it feel? Share your results with me on social media using #DoLessExperiment and tag me @katenorthrup.
Remember, sharing on social media and posting in our Facebook group throughout the experiment enters you to win 3 months of OriginTM for free!
See you tomorrow!