Day 12: Release yourself from the tyranny of email
I have to say, handling my email inbox with grace and ease is not an area of strength for me. My husband Mike rarely has more than 20 emails in his inbox, and many days he gets it down to zero. I don’t get it, despite him having explained to me how he does it more than once. (In fact, we recorded a whole podcast episode about it.)
But there is one thing that I do to keep email from running my life that works like a charm.
I unsubscribe. Yep, simple as that.
I really only consistently read a handful of blogs/newsletters/emails that aren’t personally sent to me.
I know this means I’m missing out on some great offers and insights. But I know that creating content is more important than consuming content for me, so I have to accept that I’m going to miss things. It’s just part of the deal
Watch the less-than-1-minute video below to get the full scoop on the freedom of unsubscribing and why getting a handle on your inbox is so critical for doing less.
I’d love to know how this experiment felt and what you discovered. Share with me using #DoLessExperiment and tag me @katenorthrup on social media.
And once again, when you share on social and pop into the Facebook group, you could be one of our 5 lucky winners to get 3 free months of Origin™!
To less email and more time.
P.S. What blogs/newsletters did you decide to stay subscribed to? I’d love to hear about your favorites in our Facebook community.
P.P.S. Last year during the experiment some of our participants introduced me to which is a site where you can enter your email and unsubscribe en masse. Unfortunately, I’ve since learned that they also sell your information (which is how they keep the service free), so I’ve stuck with manually unsubscribing instead!