Day 11

Day 11: Looking for the freedom of unscheduled time?

We’re in the home stretch! Only 4 more days of the experiment. (The good news is: you can keep going with doing less beyond this for as long as you want! Hopefully for the rest of your life!)

Today we’re talking white space. How do we get more of this precious, unscheduled time to be with our loved ones, be with ourselves, work on what our hearts desire, not be interrupted, and follow the meanderings of our souls?

Well, today’s experiment is about that very thing. Because the only way to get white space consistently is to claim it.

Watch the 1:15 minute video below to get the full experiment instructions.

Once you’ve done the experiment, report back! Share how it went with me on social media using #DoLessExperiment and tag me @katenorthrup.

When you share on social media and participate in the Facebook group, you enter to win 3 months of Origin™ for free!

P.S. Have questions about white space and scheduling in general? Post in our Facebook community. Our group is rich with wisdom and this can be a tricky topic. Remember about asking for help? This is a good time to practice. Ask any questions you have in the Facebook community.